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第100章 卷33


马龙探案卷三 之 错误的凶案 三十三

杰克和海伦焦急地看着小个子律师把那个珍贵的盒子放在他的桌子上,仔细检查了锁,然后开始在一个书桌抽屉里翻找。他从里面拿出两块脏兮兮的手帕、一小堆废纸、一个标有 “待回复信件” 的硬纸板文件夹、一个空瓶子和一张丰满年轻女子的照片,上面写着 “你的亲爱的路易丝” 之后,他找到了他要找的东西:一个小皮制工具包,有点像修甲工具包。

JAKE ANd hELENE wAtchEd anxiously as the little lawyer laid the precious box on his desk, examined the lock closely, and began pawing through a desk drawer. After taking out two soiled handkerchiefs, a small pile of wastepaper, a cardboard file marked letters to answer, an empty bottle, and a photograph of a plumpish young woman inscribed “Your darling Louise,” he found what he was looking for: a little leather kit, not unlike a manicure kit.


From it he took a handful of small, shining tools and examined them one by one. A half dozen or so he laid on the desk beside the box, the rest he put carefully back in the leather kit. then, first with one tool and then another, he began probing the lock of the metal box, delicately and with exquisite care.


the room was deathly still. watching malone, Jake felt his scalp crinkling with excitement. Inside that dark-green metal box had been mona mcclane’s motive for murdering Joshua Gumbril and his sister. maybe it was still there. the gun had already e to their hands and right at this moment Von Flanagan was having it tested and its ownership traced. Any minute now Von Flanagan would telephone his findings. Any minute now malone would get that box open. then the case would be plete. It was almost as though that innocent-looking box held the deed to the casino.


he tried to steel himself against disappointment. It would probably turn out that the box held nothing except an old laundry bill and a couple of mousetraps. or Joshua Gumbril’s other necktie, if he had another necktie. It might even be empty. In fact, it probably was empty. Jake was positive that it was empty. he felt that the sound of his heart beating as malone struggled with the tools would drown out the bined Army and Navy bands.


malone had stopped fiddling with the tools and stared indignantly at the box.


Jake said, “You thugs ought to keep in practice. can’t you get it open?”


malone answered with a low growl. he took the rest of the tools out of the kit and experimented with them until he had tried them all. Suddenly he swept them into the desk drawer without bothering to put them in their leather kit, slammed the drawer shut, and glared at the obstinate box with a mixture of baffled rage and helplessness.


helene cleared her throat delicately. “try a paper clip.”


the paper clip didn’t work. Neither did a hairpin.

马龙说:“该死,如果我得下楼去向看门人借把斧子把这该死的东西劈成两半……” 他的声音在一阵含混不清的愤怒嘟囔中中断了。

malone said, “by God, if I have to go down and borrow an ax from the janitor and split the infernal thing in two-” his voice broke off in an incoherent and enraged gurgle.


helene sighed, picked up the box, and examined it. Accidentally she pressed the tiny knob just above the keyhole. the box immediately sprang open, jolted out of her hands, and fell to the desk top with a horrific clatter. helene screamed. Jake and malone both jumped.

“你从哪儿学来的这招?” 马龙缓过气来后喘着气问。

“where did you learn that trick?” malone gasped when he recovered his breath.

“这没什么。” 海伦满不在乎地说,“而且当盒子根本没锁的时候就特别容易。”

“It was nothing,” helene said airily. “And it’s particularly easy when the box simply isn’t locked.”


For a moment no one dared speak. malone looked intently and suspiciously at the box, as though at any moment it might leap up and bite him.


At last Jake said in a very weak voice, “I tried all my keys and my penknife on it that first night in Gumbril’s room, because I supposed of course it was locked. I never thought of just trying to open it without unlocking it. because you’d naturally think a box like that would be locked.”

“如果我们当中有谁有点脑子的话,” 马龙暴躁地说,“我们马上就会知道它没锁。”

“If any of us had had any sense,” malone said peevishly, “we’d have known right away that it wasn’t.”

“为什么?” 海伦问。

“why?” helene asked.


“where was the key?”


“what key?”

“盒子的钥匙,” 马龙吼道,“冈布里尔的钥匙。在他身上或者在他的其他物品中有没有找到任何钥匙?”

“the key to the box,” malone roared, “Gumbril’s key. were there any keys found on his person or anywhere else among his possessions?”


Jake said, “No. I guess there weren’t.”

“你说得太对了,没有钥匙。” 马龙说,“如果他把盒子锁上了,那他肯定得在某个地方有把钥匙。显然,他非常不喜欢携带任何东西或者拥有任何东西。你看到了他房间里的情况,杰克。你也听到了在他口袋里找到的东西。这个人除了钱什么都不想要。甚至连一把打开金属公文箱的小钥匙都没有。他可能意识到,一般人看到这个盒子都会认为它是锁着的,就像我们一样。甚至有可能这个盒子里没有什么贵重到需要锁起来的东西。”

“You’re damned right there weren’t,” malone said. “If he’d kept the box locked he’d have had to have a key somewhere. Evidently he had an intense dislike of carrying anything or having anything. You saw what was in his room, Jake. You heard what was found in his pockets. the man simply didn’t want possessions, except money. Not even a small key to open a metal dispatch box. he probably realized that the average person, looking at the box, would assume it to be locked, just as we did. It’s even possible that the box doesn’t contain anything sufficiently valuable to be locked up.”


Jake groaned.


helene said, “For the love of heaven, don’t sit there talking about it, look inside it.”

“别催我。” 马龙生气地说。他把盒子拉到他桌子的这一边。突然,他像被盒子蛰了一下似的把它扔了下去。他的目光望向他办公室的墙壁之外的某个遥远的地方。“那都是胡说八道。” 他慢慢地说。

“Stop rushing me,” malone said crossly. he drew the box over to his side of the desk. Suddenly he dropped it as though it had stung him. he looked somewhere far beyond the walls of his office. “that was all poppycock,” he said slowly.


Neither Jake nor helene dared to interrupt him.

“盒子是锁着的。” 他说,似乎在斟酌着每个字,“有一把钥匙。钥匙在冈布里尔的房间里 —— 不在他身上,否则警察会找到的。一定是打开盒子的人把钥匙拿走了。”

“the box was locked,” he said, seeming to weigh each word against the next. “there was a key. the key was in Gumbril’s room-not on his person, or the police would have found it. It must have been carried away by the person who opened the box.”

“什么人?” 这句话到了杰克嘴边又咽了回去。马龙坐在那儿凝视着前方,脸色突然变得苍白。

the words, “what person?” rose to Jake’s lips and died there. malone sat staring into space, his face suddenly gray.

“如果你不打开那个该死的盒子,我来。” 海伦沙哑地说。

“If you don’t open that damned box, I will,” helene said hoarsely.

马龙看着她,仿佛从未见过她似的。“为什么?” 他说,话语沉重。

malone looked at her as though he had never seen her before. “what for?” he said, the words dragging.


he stared at the box for a long moment, finally threw open the lid and peered inside. with madden-deliberation he drew out a folded piece of paper that appeared to be an official document of some kind.


the little lawyer unfolded it and sat staring blankly at it for a long time. then he leaned back in his chair, apparently oblivious of Jake and helene’s presence, reading the document over and over as though he were trying to memorize it.



他没有回答。他们仿佛在千里之外。他拿起电话,要求接 “长途电话”,然后说:“我要和威斯康星州埃尔克霍恩的沃尔沃思县的县书记员通话。谢谢。”

he didn't answer. they might have been a thousand miles away. he picked up the telephone, asked for, “Long distance,” and said, “I want to speak to the county clerk of walworth county, at Elkhorn, wisconsin. thank you.”


At that moment helene, her patience exhausted, snatched the document from malone’s hands, looked at it, and handed it, without a word, to Jake.

那是一张结婚证书,日期是 1914 年 5 月 21 日,在威斯康星州埃尔克霍恩,结婚双方是莫娜?麦克莱恩和约书亚?冈布里尔。

It was a certificate of marriage, dated may 21, 1914, at Elkhorn, wisconsin, between one mona mcclane and one Joshua Gumbril.

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